
Servire - “To Serve”

Since 1915, ECU’s motto has been Servire or “to serve,” and the institution’s history includes many examples of service to the region and state.

ECU students must register through GivePulse before beginning their service. This registration process covers students with the Center’s supplemental liability insurance while doing service.

Alternative Break Experiences

East Carolina University Alternative Break Experiences (ABE) create active citizens and leaders.

Pirates Give Service Opportunities

Pirates Give is a service initiative that coordinates national days of service, the Mystery Service Saturday program, and monthly Pop-Up service projects. Pirates Give also provides the resources and support that other ECU organizations may need in planning their own service events. Check us out on GivePulse and sign-up for our next service opportunity!

We hope to cultivate a culture of service at ECU so that we can each live out ECU’s motto of servire – “to serve.”

Interested in Planning a Day of Service? Our staff is available to assist students in planning their own day of service.

Service-Learning Courses

Students are encouraged to enroll in a service-learning course during their time at ECU. Service-learning is a way of teaching and learning in which faculty members complement students’ in-class learning either with relevant volunteer experience at a local community-based organization or with a community-based project completed on behalf of a non-profit or community organization. Designated courses are noted with “SL” in the course catalog.

How to Get Started with GivePulse

ECU utilizes a service management system called GivePulse. Use the links below to learn more about this system.

GivePulse-How to Document

Recording your Service Involvement

How to log your service involvement