Community Engaged Learning

Community Engaged Learning (CEL) combines academic coursework with the application of institutional resources to address challenges facing communities through:

  • Engagement that addresses societal needs identified by a community.
  • Intentional integration of learning objectives co-created with community partner(s).
  • Student preparation and ongoing critical reflection.
  • Clearly articulated benefits for students, community, and campus partners.

Community Engaged Learning is a broader, inclusive term that reflects more ways that people engage with their communities.  These strategies range from direct service, to advocacy, to research, to philanthropy, and more.

*Adapted from: Michigan State University – Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Service-Learning Toolkit and Stanford Teaching Commons Community Engaged Learning for Faculty

Academic Service-Learning

Service learning is a form of experiential engaged learning whereby students address meaningful civic needs as defined by the community. Students also formally connect their service activities to student learning outcomes and to broader issues through reflective methods.

Service-Learning Course Designation

Applications for the Service-Learning designation or requests to remove the designation are made through Curriculog. More information on the Service-Learning Committee and Faculty Senate can be found here.

Following approval by the Service-Learning Committee, Faculty Senate, and Chancellor, courses approved for the “SL” designation will be listed as such in both the university’s undergraduate and graduate catalogs.

Current Service-Learning Committee Chair
Jennifer Sisk